Thursday, April 22, 2010

Raegan & The Chicks

Our local hardware/farm/feed/garden/lawn store periodically has baby chicks, ducks and turkeys for sale.  We took Raegan down to try to hold one.  She did ok if it was still in Chris' hands but didn't much like their little feet on her hands.  She kept calling them "cheeps."

Here's a short video:

Marshall @ 9 1/2 - 10 months

Couldn't get this little stink pot to smile for nothin'!

He has discovered how much fun it is to drag ALL the toys out of his cabinet.

He crawled under the chair go get the water bottle but then got stuck.  He kept hitting his head on the rail.  I finally had to lift the chair up so he could get out.  (Of course, after I took the pictures!)

Another fun day of mass destruction of the toy cabinet.

I really like this picture of Chris and Marshall.  As you can see he has one shoe on.  He ALWAYS kicks off one shoe so he can chew on it.  I think he needs a puppy toy to teeth on.

Raegan's New Bike

Raegan got a new bike!  She's grown so fast that she got to skip a bike size.  I'm having a really hard time believing she really needs a bike this big but it fits her great. She loves to ride it in the church parking lot just down the road. She could pedal forward or backward on her old bike but this one has brakes. She hasn’t really gotten the hang of the brakes yet though. She usually just runs into the grass to stop. A few minor crashes with big drama but not even a scratch!

Here's a's a bit bumpy..I was holding Marshall and he was making it rather difficult to be still:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter 2010

Raegan and I made Easter Cupcakes this year.  The initial plan was to cut Easter Eggs out of Graham Crackers and decorate them and place them on top of the cupcakes but the Graham Crackers kept breaking so I just iced the top of the eggs to look like grass and we put some sprinkles on top.  We'll try again later (probably next YEAR)!

Easter Baskets

This picture was one of MANY!  It was really hard to get Marshall to sit up on this little box, Raegan to "support" him and then both of them to look at Chris at the same time.  Believe me, this is the best shot we got.  Marshall started crying shortly after this picture because I was standing right there and he wanted me to pick him up.  Raegan has this stressed look on her face in most of the pictures.  She was really trying hard to be a great big sister.

Tia (Aunt Sheri) bought this dress for Raegan last year.

We didn't do much for Easter this year.  We hid the eggs a couple of times for Raegan in our front yard.  Don't really think she enjoyed it very much.  She was done after two times.

These are pics of Raegan opening some of her Easter gift from us, Papa & Nana and Tio & Tia.  She loves to open presents.  This book, So Many Bunnies, is really a cute book.  We've only read it a couple of times and she already has it memorized.  I hear her reading it to herself all the time.  I just love this little girl.  She really knows how to warm my heart! :)

Marshall's 1st Park Swing 3-29-2010

Marshall was so happy in the swing today.  Just layed back and watched everyone around him.  Raegan was particularly excited to push him.

Raegan and her friend, Bentley Pope

Miss Bentley Pope came over for a couple of hours while her parents were packing up their moving truck.  The girls had a really good time together.  The each wanted to play with whatever the other one had so I was mostly a referee.  As you can see in this last picture Marshall was quite taken with Bentley.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Marshall ~ 1st Time Standing in Crib 3-25-2010

My little man is growing up so fast.  I found him standing in his crib.  I used to hang his comforter over the front rail but now he is pulling it in the crib with him.  He even is gaffing on his bed, oh great!  At this rate he will have eaten his bed before we change it to the toddler bed. (How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?)