Whew...glad this day is over. Raegan made one mess after another. Let's just say things are VERY clean around our house today....
1st ~ She took ALL her movies out of the cabinet so she could climb in it with her blanket and puppy.
2nd ~ She proceeded to hand mop the floor with the mop bucket that was in the sink (I had just mopped the floors last night). She first filled her thermos with water from the refridgerator and then filled the bucket. Water was STANDING on the kitchen floor! I couldn't help but laugh and took a video. She had been watching Cinderella and wanted to "help."
3rd ~ This one was a surprise! I opened the refridgerator to cook lunch and EVERYTHING had water on it. Every shelf was standing in water. Every drawer was filled. It took me an hour to take everything out and dry it off then put it back together. See that large stack of towels and rags next to the microwave in the last picture...yes, I used them ALL trying to dry things off.
After the Cinderella movie , thats is very funny. Daniel